In this article, we will discuss the effectiveness of sending out random offers. Random Offers have significant power as they allow you to determine which offers perform the best in your broadcasting scenarios. Random offers work particularly well with mystery offers. The offer column will have a check box if offers are attached, along with parentheses indicating how many offers are connected to the particular campaign. The automation column will indicate if there's any automation linked to the campaign.
- Offer Attached - If an offer is attached, there is a green check mark. If not, click the X to create and attach an offer. To edit the offer, click the green check mark.
- Automation Trigger Attached - If attached to a trigger, a green check mark displays. If not, click the X to attach the broadcast to a trigger. To edit the trigger, click the green check mark.
- Edit Permission - Locking the ‘Edit Permission' prevents any user class below you from editing the broadcast content. If unlocked, all user classes can edit the content.
- Delete Permission - Locking the ‘Delete Permission' prevents any user class below you from deleting the broadcast. If unlocked, all user classes can delete the broadcast.
Manage Attached Offers
You can click on the "checkmark" or "X" and then choose the manage button to select which offers you want to attach to the specific campaign.
Manage Attached Triggers
If you'd like to edit the automation, click on the check and choose to manage the automation trigger. You can choose to edit the settings.
Additionally, you can create a new trigger by simply clicking on the "X".
Edit Attached Offers
You can edit an existing offer by navigating to the Manage Offers section.
Creating Broadcast
When you arrive at the campaign creation page, you will notice an "Add Offer" option at the bottom. Click the "Add Offer" button to view the list of offers you can include in the broadcast.
- Email Subject - The subject line of the email. For most email clients, they will see the subject line before they see the content of the email. You can include custom fields in the subject line by clicking on the ‘Insert Custom Fields link below the editor and copy/pasting them into the subject text box.
Adding Broadcast Offers
In this section, you will need to choose which offer or offers to include in the broadcast. If you are planning to send random offers, you must select at least two or more offers. When finished selecting your offers, press the Add Offers button.
When navigating to the Offers Settings, enable the "Randomly Issue One Offer" option to make the offers random for each member when the broadcast is sent.
- Randomly Issue One Offer - If On, only one offer will issue per member. The feature works well with the Mystery Offer type.
- Mystery Offers - Make it a mystery scratch-off offer to add extra excitement. Allow members to scratch-off outside of the location or require them to be in-house
Max Offer Exposure
To add maximum exposure to a given offer, select the amount of offers you would like to randomly distribute and the default offer everyone else receives.
For the $10 offer, choose how many people you would like to issue it to. Depending on the size of your contact list will determine the issue count. In this example, we will issue it to 50 members. For the $25 mystery offer, we’ll issue this to 10 members. One checkbox must remain unchecked. If you attempt to check the $5 mystery offer checkbox, you will receive a message stating that at least one offer must have no maximum exposure. This message appears because one offer must be designated as the default offer for everyone. After configuring the settings, click the 'add link' button."
SMS & PUSH Settings
If SMS and PUSH message settings are at the top, please follow the standard procedure and do not click the Remove Offers button on those pages.
Once finished, go to the miscellaneous options, and press the submit button. You've now created a campaign that has a random offer.
- Default Template - If checked, this campaign will replace the current default template when creating a campaign. This will apply to all campaign types.
- System Users Can Edit - If checked, any user below your user role can edit. If unchecked, it cannot be edited by a user role below you.
- System Users Can Delete - If checked, any user below your user role can delete. If unchecked, it cannot be deleted by a user role below you.
- Activate broadcast - Should this broadcast be marked as active? Inactive broadcast cannot be used to create email campaigns or autoresponders.
- Public - The public settings make the survey visible to all location system users in the program.
- Location Private - Location private makes the survey visible to all locations selected.
- Business Private - Enabling Business Private hides the surveys and statistics from users with lower permissions. The setting is used with businesses that privatize content from locations.
Broadcast Button
When you're ready to send, you can press the broadcast button and choose to schedule the broadcast, send it immediately, or send it to a segment. To find out more about those features, visit the Send Broadcast page.
If you have any questions, please create a ticket, and one of our support reps will get in touch with you soon. Thank you.