White Label Retail Support

- How To Create A Broadcast


In this article, we will discuss Creating a Broadcast. To start creating a broadcast, go to the New Record tab > Broadcast subtab 


Alternatively, you can go to the Broadcast tab > Manage broadcasts subtab. On this page, you can press the new record button. 


Manage Broadcast Grid

If using the latter method, when on the Manage Broadcast page, there are a few settings worth mentioning under the Action column. If there is a specific campaign that you like, under that Action column, you may choose to copy that campaign and use it as a starting point. If you want to resend an identical broadcast, it is recommended to copy the campaign before resending. Copying the campaign allows you to analyze the statistical reporting to determine if your new campaign performs better than your previous campaign. Additionally, you can Press the magnifying glass to get an idea of what the campaign looks like.



  • Offer Attached - If an offer’s attached, there is a green check-mark. If not, click the red X to create and attach an offer. To edit the offer, click the green check-mark. 
  • Automation Trigger Attached - If attached to a trigger, a green check-mark displays. If not, click the red X to attach the broadcast to a trigger. To edit the trigger, click the green check-mark. 
  • Edit Permission - Locking the ‘Edit Permission' prevents any user class below you from editing the broadcast content. If unlocked, all user classes can edit the content. 
  • Delete Permission - Locking the ‘Delete Permission' prevents any user class below you from deleting the broadcast. If unlocked, all user classes can delete the broadcast. 


Broadcast Details

After pressing the “New Record” button, there are an array of email templates that you may choose to use as starting points. Create a broadcast name, select the broadcast type, and filter by various business categories 


Depending on which broadcast settings you can access, it will determine what broadcast types will display. As you can see, in this example, we can access email, SMS, and PUSH content. A smart campaign combines an email broadcast, SMS broadcast, and PUSH broadcast together, or if only a combination of those is available, such as email and SMS, then those two would combine. When the broadcast is grouped, and when it is sent to the member, it looks at the member's preferred method of communication inside their account and will send accordingly. So, if one member has Email as their preferred method of communication and another has an SMS, the appropriate broadcast will be sent respectively.  



  • Broadcast Types 
    • Smart Campaign - this type of campaign uses the members profile to determine media preference by choosing Email, SMS, or PUSH. Smart campaigns create an email, SMS, and PUSH tied to one campaign for organization. Smart Campaigns are used for broadcasting, triggers, and autoresponders. 
    • Email Campaign - this type of campaign sends the entire selected member list or filtered list an email campaign. Email Campaigns are used for broadcasting, triggers, and autoresponders 
    • SMS Campaign -this type of campaign sends the entire selected member list or filtered list an SMS campaign. SMS Campaigns are used for broadcasting, triggers, and autoresponders 

Email Content

Once complete, press the “Next Step” button or the “Email Content” tab. On the email content page, there is a complete editor on the right-hand side, so if you choose to add any additional structural blocks, images, buttons, text, etc., you can easily do so by dragging the block from the right toolbox to the editor on the left. 



  • Email Subject - The subject line of the email. For most email clients, they will see the subject line before they see the content of the email. You can include dynamic tokens in the subject line by clicking on the dynamic content buttons below the editor and copy/pasting them into the subject text box. 


You can swap out an image if the template image is not preferred. You may edit the image in place by clicking the “Edit” button or choose a new image by clicking the “Replace” button. 


When replacing an image, you may upload an image, choose an existing one, or use the free image from Pexels images, making creating broadcasts very quick and easy.  


After choosing the image, if you believe this image may be too big, you can crop it and make it fit accordingly. You can adjust color settings, filters, icons, shapes, add images and text on top of the image, and more.  


Additionally, you can create hyperlinks for buttons and text. If you wish to add dynamic content into buttons or text, go to any of the dynamic content buttons below and add the appropriate link. This is a great tool if you want the member to open their member account when they click a button or image. When the member receives the email, they can click on this link, and their user profile will open. 



You can drag structural blocks from the right toolbox to the content screen on the left. 

You can also choose different width settings and template colors here. 



Below are the dynamic content links that can be added to the email campaign. Examples are the transaction tokens.   

Once clicked, the transaction token options display. Once you select the token you want to use press “Copy Token.” Next, paste the token into the content area.  


In the example below, it shows how many points are earned on a particular transaction. There are multiple broadcast campaigns set up for you, but many times, businesses do wish to use other settings and additional options outside of what is provided. 



There are many distinct types of tokens found in the buttons below each editor, for example, transaction tokens, survey links, custom fields, social media placeholders, signature tokens, unsubscribe links, name tokens, location tokens, and the ability to shorten URL links 


You can also attach offers to a broadcast campaign by clicking the “Add Offers” button. Once clicked, you can choose to send one offer or multiple offers.  


If choosing more than one offer, under the offer settings you can choose to send all offers to the member or randomly issue one offer to each member. If randomly issuing one offer, you can choose to make the offer a mystery 



  • Random Offer Selection - If toggled On, members will only receive one offer. The feature works well with the Mystery Offer type. To use a Mystery Offer, choose to make an offer a Mystery by toggling On the Make Offers a Mystery. 
  • Mystery Offers – If toggled On, make it a mystery scratch off offer to add extra excitement. Allow members to scratch-off outside of the location or require them to be in-house. 

If choosing to make the offers a mystery, or randomly issuing one offer, you can set the max exposure on the Max Exposure Settings tab. One offer is not allowed Max Exposure settings as that offer is the default offer sent to everyone not receiving the higher value offers. The higher value offers can have fixed issuing limits. This is an exciting tool to promote and drive excitement into your business. 



When finished, click “Add Link” and the offers will attach to the broadcast.  


When the campaign broadcasts, the offer will live in the member’s account until redeemed or offer expiration. Depending on the offer view settings will determine if it is visible in the member wallet, mobile app, and business tablet. As for staff, offers can be redeemed from the Post transaction screen of the tablet app or a web browser. 

When you are finished creating your campaign, you can send yourself a preview by clicking the “Click to preview” button. 



  • Preview Email Address - Enter your email address and click the "Click to preview” button to receive a copy of this campaign. Tokens are not replaced when previewing content. 


SMS Content

To add SMS content, click on the SMS content tab. Depending on how your program was set-up, you may see a default token for the reward program name. You may remove this token, but it is highly recommended to use so members know the SMS sender. 


Additional dynamic tokens, as found on the email content tab, are also available. The offers from the previous step will automatically link. 



SMS are allowed to send 160 characters, and MMS are allowed to send 1600 characters. To activate MMS, toggle the option On. 



  • Image – The optimum image size is displayed, but any size will work and format accordingly.  

In this example, you can see the character count, and 126 characters remain. The reason 34 characters are removed is because the message has a Reward Program Token present and the box checked, “Attach STOP to end” added to the end of the message. Attaching “Stop to end” adds this text to the end of every message so the member can opt-out if they wish. You can lock the message count so you do not exceed the necessary characters; otherwise, if the character count is exceeded, only part of the message will send. 




  • STOP to end - If selected, "STOP to end" will attach to message when sending. 
  • Preview Mobile - Enter your mobile and click the Send Preview button to receive a copy of this campaign. 



PUSH Content

PUSH content is only available if your program has a mobile application. To edit the PUSH Content, click the respective tab and check the box, “Allow PUSH to Participate in Smart Campaigns.”  

You can choose to issue points for receiving the PUSH message, which can be an excellent promotion to let people know they can receive, for example, one to five points for every PUSH message that is sent out if they download the mobile app.  We can also add an offer image. Typically, this would be an offer or a promotion of some kind. 


You can give a PUSH title, change the background color; and you can add dynamic content as well. When you are finished and like what you have created, you can press the “Next Step” button. 



Miscellaneous Options 

On the “Miscellaneous Options” tab, there are multiple settings. If you like the broadcast, would like to copy the campaign or there are parts of the campaign you would like to use again; you can make it sticky. When a campaign is tagged sticky, when viewing the manage broadcast page, it will display at the top. Additionally, if this is a template you would like to use for every campaign you create, you can make it the default broadcast. You can also choose to allow system users with equal user permissions to edit or delete the campaign.  

Be certain to make this broadcast active, or by default, it will be deactivated. If deactivated, you can activate it on the Manage Broadcast page. 



  • Default Template - If checked, this campaign will replace the current default template when creating a campaign. This will apply to all campaign types. 
  • System Users Can Edit - If checked any user below your user role can edit. If unchecked, it cannot be edited by the user role below you. 
  • System Users Can Delete - If checked any user below your user role can delete. If unchecked, it cannot be deleted by the user role below you. 
  • Activate broadcast - Should this broadcast be marked as active? Inactive broadcast cannot be used to create email campaigns or autoresponders. 


Depending on your user role settings, it will determine if the privacy settings are displayed. If you are creating something public that everyone can use, you would choose the public option. If you are a franchisor and have multiple franchisee locations, you may choose to make your broadcast business private so that only you can view the broadcast. It will not be visible to other locations or franchisees.  If you are an individual location, you may make your broadcast location private, that is only visible to you. You can do so by selecting Location Private, and if you had multiple locations, you could choose which locations can view the broadcast.  

When finished, press the "Submit” button. Your broadcast will now be visible on the Manage Broadcast page. 





  • Public - The public settings make the survey visible to all location system users in the program. 
  • Location Private - Location private makes the survey visible to all locations selected. 
  • Business Private - Enabling Business Private hides the surveys and statistics from users with lower permissions. The setting is used with businesses that privatize content from locations. 

If you have any questions, please create a ticket, and one of our support reps will contact you shortly. Thank you. 

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