To Send a Broadcast, login to the location or group of locations you would like to send to. On the dashboard, you can select different locations or groups. Depending on your user role will determine if you have access to all of the locations, one of the locations, or a group of locations. This control over your access allows you to manage your broadcast settings effectively.
Manage Broadcast Page
Go to the Manage Broadcasts page and click the Send Broadcast icon associated with the broadcast you want to send.
Select Member Lists & Segments
You will find five filter options, along with confirmed opt-in lists and segment filter options. The first option enables you to send a broadcast to all members in the selected member list and segments below.
After selecting a toggle option in step one, you will have the option to choose which confirmed opt-in lists or segments you wish to send to, including:
- Home and Visited members.
- Home Members only
- Visited Members only.
- Segments – all other checkboxes are created segments.
Let's delve into the difference between Home and Visited members. Imagine a program with two locations, location one and location two. If a member signs up at location one, they become a Home member of location one. If the same member visits location two, they become a Visited member of location two. This distinction helps you understand the member's journey within the program.
- Member List - Click on the names of the Member lists you want to send this Email/SMS campaign to. You can send to multiple lists simply by clicking on each list’s name.
You can filter by basic details such as email addresses, mobile phone numbers, and user statuses. To send a broadcast, you must always choose the Member Lists or Segments to filter against.
- Email Address - This option allows you to search for members via a domain name or part of an email address. To add multiple email addresses separate with a comma. To send to all, leave this option empty.
- Mobile Phone - This option allows you to send to listed numbers. To add multiple numbers separate with a comma. To send to all, leave this option empty.
- Email Format - This option will allow you to search for Members who are subscribed in a particular format. To search for all Members, leave this option set to Either Format
- Email Confirmation Status - The confirmed status is a double opt-in process where users confirm their subscription by clicking the link in the confirmation email.
- Unconfirmed status displays when an email has not completed the double opt-in process. The Member may have turned On email messaging in their user profile, or have joined the program using an email kiosk web form, but the Member has not confirmed by double opt-in.
- Unsubscribed status displays when a Member Unsubscribes by clicking an email unsubscribe link or changing their profile status to no longer receive SMS messaging.
- Bounced status is for those who have been disabled on the Member list because they have had too many messages bounce from their email address or have been detected as a hard bounce.
- SMS Confirmation Status - The confirmed status is a double opt-in process where users confirm their subscription by replying to an SMS message asking them to opt-in with the word, “Yes.”
- Unconfirmed status displays when a mobile number has not completed the double opt-in process. The Member may have turned On SMS messaging in their user profile, or have joined the program using a SMS kiosk form, but the Member has not confirmed by double opt-in.
- Unsubscribed status displays when a Member Unsubscribes by replying STOP to an SMS message or changing their profile status to stop receiving SMS messaging.
- Bounced status is for those who have been disabled on the Member list because they have had too many messages bounce from their mobile number or have been detected as a hard bounce.
- Activity Status - The inactive status, is for those Members who have not made a purchase within the timeframe specified when creating the reward program. If inactive, no automated trigger broadcast communications will send to the Member. To send a broadcast to inactive members, a filtered manual broadcast is required and "Any Status” or “Inactive Status" must be chosen.
- Member List - Click on the names of the Member lists you want to send this campaign to. You can send to multiple lists simply by clicking on each list’s name.
Sending to a Top Ranked Percentile Segment ranks members by the most transactions made in the given time.
For instance, when creating the segment, if the Top Ranked Percentile was based on the last 90 days, on the next page, you can choose which broadcast to send to each percentile bracket that performed the best over the last 90 days.
In this example, the top 25% are receiving a Special Double Offer Today broadcast, and 26-100% are receiving a Bonus Offer. Typically, you will want to issue the best offer to the top 25%.
- Broadcast Schedule - Send broadcasts based on members performance.
- Here is an example:
- 1-25% = Top contributors
- 26-75% = Average contributors
- 76-100% = Lowest contributors
- Here is an example:
- Send an Email/SMS Broadcast - Which Email/SMS Broadcast would you like to send to your members
The fourth option is to “Divide evenly & send over chosen time frame" – a term we call Broadcast Spreading. Broadcast Spreading allows you to drip your campaign over the entire month instead of sending out a promotion to all members at once which typically congests your business, especially if it is an enticing offer.
- Broadcast Spreading - Choose how often to send a broadcast in the first field. In the next field, choose over what amount of time, i.e. If a contact list has 30,000 contacts and “Send every 24 hours Over the next 30 days" is chosen, the platform will send 1,000 broadcasts every 24 hours over the next 30 days to the selected marketing contacts divided evenly.
You can also upload a file from your computer you’ve custom filtered and broadcast to those members. To receive the broadcast, the members must be part of the location logged into, and member list or segment selected.
- Import File - Choose a file to upload that contains the Member details that you want to import. This should be a CSV file. CSV File must contain 1st column headers Mobile Phone and 2nd column headers Email Address.
Broadcast Settings
After the correct filter options are chosen, press “Next Step.” On this page, choose your send settings.
The first option is to send the member's preferred communication method, either an email, SMS, or PUSH found inside their member profile.
The second option is to force send out an Email. It ignores the members' preferred method of communication.
The third option is to force send an SMS. It ignores the members' preferred method of communication.
- The fourth option is to force send a PUSH, if the business has a mobile app. It ignores the members' preferred method of communication.
- The final option is to force sends all media types and ignores the members' preferred method of communication.
- Send an Email/SMS Broadcast - Which Email/SMS Broadcast would you like to send to your Members?
Next, you can choose to send the broadcast now or schedule the broadcast for a future date. If the broadcast is scheduled for a future date, you can receive a notification when the broadcast is sent.
- Send Your Campaign Now? - Do you want to send this campaign immediately? If not, untick this box and you can choose a specific date and time at which to send the campaign. If locations are in multiple time zones, the primary location Time zone is used for scheduling.
- Notify Owner About Sending? - Notify the list owner(s) when a scheduled send starts and when it finishes?
The final option is choosing if you would like to repeat the broadcast. This optional repeat feature can be turned on if a business runs a specific type of action inside their business on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis, and you can choose to set the repeat frequency here.
- Repeat Broadcast?
- Amount of Weeks - Repeat the broadcast every selected number of weeks on a specific day/time of the week.
- Date Range - Repeat the broadcast during a 7- day date range on a specific day/time of the month. A great solution for sending offers during the middle of the month.
- Day of Month - Repeat the broadcast on a specific day/time of the month.
- How Many Times? - Choose how many times you would like to repeat the broadcast. Type 0 for indefinite and the broadcast will continue to repeat until manually stopped.
Schedule Broadcast
Once everything is in place, press the next step button. On this page, you will see a summary of the campaign details. If everything looks correct, press Schedule My Broadcast. If successful, a confirmation message will display.
On the Broadcast Queue page, the scheduled and in progress sending campaigns display. If sending, you can choose to pause the campaign if needed for any reason. If you wish to resume the campaign, press the resume button. Once pressed, a confirmation will display and press OK.
To delete campaigns, check the box on the left and click the delete button.
You can edit and delete campaigns individually under the action column. For instance, if you decide to schedule the campaign for a later date.
If you have any questions, please create a ticket, and one of our support reps will contact you shortly. Thank you.