White Label Retail Support

Manage Offers


To manage the Offers inside of your program, go to the Broadcast tab > Manage Offers subtab 

If you run a simple text message program to send out text messages with promotions and no redeemable offers, you may or may not need to create offers. In this case, the member can show the message to business staff that they have received a text message promotion. However, by doing so, no offer tracking is available.  

If you want to track how well offers perform in your business and run a point-based program that subtracts points when reward offers are redeemed, it is required to create offers. Before sending out the offers, they must be attached to a broadcast, or else they will not be displayed in the member's profile, tablet, or mobile application. The only exceptions are reward point goals, which are automatically shown in a member's profile, a mobile application (if created), and a tablet application (if made) when settings are turned on. 


To create an offer, press the New Record icon > Offer sub tab 

Manage Offers Grid

You can also press the New Record button on the Manage Offers page. To create E-Gift Offers, you must visit the Manage Offers page > Create E-Gift Offers button. 


To edit an existing offer, click the offer name or click Edit in the menu action column. 



Offer Details

The Offer Name is visible inside the back office.  

You can choose from Multiple Offer Types, which you can read in the tooltip. 



OVERVIEW: We use different offer types for deep statistical tracking. Using the appropriate offer type with the corresponding campaign is highly recommended. Matching offer types with campaign types allows you to track the most effective campaigns more accurately. 

  • BROADCASTING OFFERS: Broadcast offers are used with Smart Campaigns and Triggers. The different offer categories indicate the type of campaign to create. 
    • Smart Email/SMS/Push offers - These work with a smart campaign to send the member’s preferred marketing medium.
    • Sign-up Promo offers - Track the statistics for how well the sign-up promotions work. These are typically trigger campaigns. 
    • Refer Promo offers- Track the statistics for how well the refer a friend promotions work. These are typically trigger campaigns. 
    • New Tier offers – These offers are used send offers to members when they reach a New Tier. 
  • INTERNAL OFFERS: Internal offers are not displayed in the members' profile but are redeemable on the post-transaction page or via API.  
    • Generic offers – these offers are used for internal tracking for any event.  
    • VIP offers – VIP offers are great to use with memberships.  
    • Event offers – Event offers are typically used to reward members for showing up to an event.  
  • RULE REACHED OFFERS: Rule offers issue automatically when the goal is reached, or the competition is won. 
    • Point Goal offers – These offers issue when a reward point amount is reached. Point goals are for any point goal amount that you would like to create. You can create point goals that have the same point amount. For instance, you can create multiple five-point, ten-point, or fifteen-point offers inside your business to keep things fresh, renewed, and variable for the members. 
    • Leaderboard Winner offers -  These offers issue to members who win Leaderboard competitions. If you are running a leaderboard type of competition, you would create that offer here. You can learn more about that in the leaderboard article. 
    • Instant Win / Gamification offers – When a game is played & won, these offer types are issued. These offer types are won on the Tablet and Phone apps. 

If Offering a Discount, and the value is not filled in, you may do so here. The value is only required if using POS integration tools or API integration tools.  



The Transaction History Name appears inside the member's profile, either on a web browser or inside a mobile application. 

  • Transaction History Name - The transaction history name displays in all areas the transaction history is visible, including the member’s profile. 



Offer Design

The Offer Title is public and displayed on the offer. You can change the description, text color, and replace the image with any image you wish.  



You can change the offer background color as well.  

  • Offer Title - The offer title should indicate what the offer is or its value, for example: $10 Off or Free Order of Onion Rings. This actually defines what the customer will receive when they visit and redeem the offer.
  • Offer Description - Visible description on the offer coupon. 
  • Offer Background Color - Controls the background color behind the offer image. 

Offer Rules 

You can create the rules in the Offer Rules section. One such rule is giving out extra points on Offer Redemption. First is the Bonus Points Multiplier. For example, this offer gives away two bonus points for the transaction. If ten dollars were spent, we would take ten multiplied by 2, and they would receive 20 points.   


Spend Programs: 

By default, this value is 1. You can increase the bonus point amount issued of a particular offer by any amount. For instance, 1.5 is a 50% bonus over the normal amount issued. In this example, $1 spent equals 1.5 points. If 2 is the amount value, $1 equals 2 points. The offer adds additional bonus points on the entire purchase dollar amount. 


Check-In Programs: 

Similar to Spend Programs, if the amount value is 1, then 1 check-in equals 1 point. If the amount value is 2, then 1 check-in equals 2 points. 



Extra point days & member lists are recognized as point multipliers. For instance, if there's a double Point offer multiplier and double point day, the points the member earns on a 1-point visit check-in or $1 transaction total 4 points. 

• 1 point on the transaction or check-in 

• 1 X 2 double point day = 2 

• 1 x 2 double point offer = 2 

• 2 + 2 = 4 points. 


Program rules are also recognized, for instance, if $1 = 5 points or 1 check-in visit equals 5 points, the 1 point on the transaction will equal 20 points. 

• 5 points on a $1 transaction or check-in 

• 5 X 2 double point day = 10 

• 5 x 2 double point offer = 10 

• 10 + 10 = 20 points. 


If using Tier Points, i.e., 2-point tier, in the above example: if $1 = 5 points or 1 check-in visit equals 5 points, the 1 point on the transaction will equal 40 points. 

• 10 points on a $1 transaction or check-in 

• 5 X 2 tier points = 10 

• 5 X 2 double point day = 10 

• 20 x 2 - 20 double point offer = 20 

• 10 + 10 + 20 = 40 points. 

Instant Win bonus points are not included in the multiplier. 



Manual vs Automatic 

  • Manual - Manual redemption requires the member to press the redeem button. 
  • Automatic - Automatic redemption redeems the offer immediately when a transaction posts. Automatic redemption works well when issuing bonus points. 
    • Rule - If there are more than one automatic redemption offers in the member’s account, only one will redeem. The one that issues the most points is redeemed. 



  • Discount ID - The Discount ID is used to sync POS transactions and flag fraudulent transactions from the POS. Also, the Discount ID can be used for e-commerce discounts. 



You can also issue Points on Redemption versus Bonus Points; when the offer is redeemed, the amount entered in the placeholder is added to the spend or check-in total. For instance, if 50 points on redemption are in the placeholder & $1 is spent or one check-in visit is made, the point total equals 51 points on the transaction. 

  • Points on Redemption - When the offer is redeemed, the amount entered in the placeholder is added to the spend or check-in total. For instance, if 50 points on redemption are in the placeholder & $1 is spent or 1 check-in visit is made, the point total equals 51 points on the transaction. 


    • Extra points days & member lists are recognized as point multipliers. For instance, if there are 50 points on redemption, a double point member tier, & double point day, the points the member earns on a 1-point visit check- in or $1 transaction total 54 points (1 point on transaction X 2 tier X 2 point day = 4 points + 50 points on redemption => 54 points). 
    • Program rules are also recognized, for instance, if $1=5 points or 1 check-in visit = 5 points, the 1 point on the transaction will equal 5 points (5 points on transaction X 2 tier X 2-point day = 20 points + 50 points on redemption offer =>70 points). 

      *Instant Win & Gamification Bonus Points are not included in the multiplier.  

Offer Restrictions

The Offer Restrictions settings allow you to customize how offers are displayed and redeemed. To get a preview of what offers look like, you can open a test member profile and check out the Homepage and My Offers page.  

If using a tablet, you will need to use the same test account to log-in to the tablet, add the offer to the member's account, and check in to the program on the check-in page. 

*Some or all of these settings may display. 



  • Display Offer in Profile - If checked, when broadcasting offer links in campaigns, the offer always displays inside the member profile. If ‘No’ is selected, the offer displays outside the member profile. Typically, this option is only unchecked if the member profile features are not being used. 
  • Display Offer in Tablet - If checked, then the offer will display in tablet. 
  • Offer Redeemable at Selected Locations - If Off, offers are redeemable at all locations. If the Toggle is On, creating offer location redemption restrictions is allowed. 
  • Can Members Redeem Offers - Self-redemption is useful for tablet check-ins, POS integration, shipping type reward programs, and programs where members redeem rewards outside of the business. 
    • Rule - Members cannot manually redeem offers when automatic point redemption is On. 
  • Display Address - The Favorite Location is the member’s preferred location selected inside their member profile. The favorite location can also be the signup location chosen for them when joining. The Custom Address is any address you choose. If visible, the Selected Location is the location chosen in the toggle titled, "Offer Redeemable at Selected Locations” 
  • Display Website UR
    • Location URL VS Custom URL - The location URL uses the member’s ‘favorite location’ URL on the offer. The Custom URL displays a static fixed URL. 
  • System Users Can Delete - If checked any user below your user role can delete. If unchecked, it cannot be deleted by a user role below you. 
  • System Users Can Edit - If checked, any user below your user role can edit. If unchecked, it cannot be edited by a user role below you. 
  • Business Private - Enabling Business Private hides the offer and statistics from users with lower permissions. The setting is used with businesses that privatize content from locations. 


If you have any questions, please create a ticket, and one of our support reps will contact you shortly. Thank you. 



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