White Label Retail Support

Mobile Apps


In this article, we will discuss creating a Mobile Application and their Settings 

To manage your mobile application, go to the Tools and Settings icon > Apps Tab > Mobile Apps Settings Subtab. 




Mobile App Settings Grid

When reaching the page, you will see the mobile application created for your program. To edit these mobile application settings, click the hotlink. Or, under the action column, click the edit icon. 



For each edit made to the mobile application, a history is recorded allowing you to revert changes if you wish. 


When clicked, all edits are saved to the mobile application display. On the left, you may click the hotlink to edit the settings from the saved starting point. If you wish to take a saved past setting Live, click the X. If you would like to lock the setting to make certain it does not get deleted, click the red button (unlocked) and it will turn green (locked). 



To perform bulk actions, check the boxes on the left and choose to Lock Backup, Unlock Backup, or Delete the saved setting history. 



App Management 

To manage your app, go to the app management section and select the member list where new members are added when they join the program through the mobile app.  



Signup Completion 

If you like, you can customize the Title and Message that appears when someone joins the program, or you can keep the default content. You can also choose to receive notifications when new members join. 


Bonus Winner Settings 
Choose to activate Gamification (displayed in image) or Instant Wins (not currently displayed) if your program allows. If activated, be certain to setup the necessary winner setting under the Tools & Settings icon > Gamification tab. 

  • Default Member List - When a Member joins the program, they are added to this list. If using point tiers. Members are added to a higher point tier if a higher point tier is selected. Members are not moved down in tiers if tier points are lower than tier requirements. 
  • Email New Contacts Details to You - This membership form will also act as a Member form. You will receive an email with the contents of the form once it has been filled in, the user will be subscribed to your list and sent to your thank you page. If they are already subscribed to your list then they will be shown the thank you page instead of an error message. 



Google Play & Apple Store Settings 
Enter the Google Play Store and Apple Store public description settings displayed to members. Choose to use the programs default Privacy Policy or enter a Custom URL. The Privacy Policy in the program can be edited to your liking and it is recommended to use the platforms versus a custom URL, however, not required. Learn more about editing the Privacy Policy here. 




Enter the company logo, mobile desktop app branding, and loading screen background image. For best image optimization, use the image size dimensions recommended. To increase the member’s experience and page speed, upload images less than 500kb. Depending on a member’s internet connection, large images can slow down the page load speed.  

You will upload the company logo on the branding page and the application loading screen, the page in between pages as the app loads. This is a native application, so the pages load very quickly. But if there is a bad internet connection and we are unable to reach APIs, it could take a while, and this page could display. It is also the app icon used on the desktop of the mobile application that people click on for the application to open. 

  • Company Logo - The optimum image dimensions and size is displayed. 
  • Loading Screen - The loading screen displays when first launching the app and in between screens. 


Theme Settings 

The theme colors are found on the Theme Settings tab, and you can choose a pre-created template if you wish. Your theme colors are most likely already displayed; however, you can also change the colors of the primary, secondary, tertiary, and buttons. If your user permissions allow, you can save this as a template.         

  • Select Template - Select a pre-created template as a starting point. All Images can be overwritten. 



Form Fields 

Choose what fields you would like to display in the mobile application. On the left had side, you can customize the name, on the right had side, choose if the field properties. 

  • Yes, Required on Signup 
  • Yes, Not Required on Signup 
  • Yes, Required After Signup 
  • Yes, Not Required 
  • No, Do Not Ask 
  • Placeholder Visible After Joining 




Login Page 

To edit the look of the login page, there are multiple options to choose from. Any changes made will display in the demo app on the right. Once you receive your mobile application, feel free to change settings to see how they look on the application. You will need to close the app and reopen to see the changes. If you do not like the new settings, revert to the previous settings as described above in the history tab.  


You can edit the color and background settings 


You can also edit the button settings color and text. 




Home Page

When visiting the homepage, there are multiple dynamic designs and settings that can be implemented. You can see multiple tabs at the top of the page and the highlighted blue tab represents the active tab



When looking at the header, you can display or turn it off. You can choose whether to display the top left menu or turn it off. There are different menu color settings, and you can choose to display or turn off the top right profile image found in the member’s account.   



The color settings for the phone notification bar are at the very topChanging the opacity of a color is a breeze. Just drag it down to the bottom for complete transparency or scroll it up for a more solid look. This simple and stress-free process ensures that customizing your color opacity bar is a hassle-free experience.


When looking at the homepage footer settings, you can choose to display a footer or not. If you display footer settings, you can add icon links and customize their direction. In the example, you can see a home link and a home icon that matches the text display.  



You can also customize the footer bar colors. 




Next is the home page background image tab. You can choose to display an image, a gradient, or a combination of both. If you use the gradient with an image, it will display over the image and can give a nice faded light-to-dark display if using the settings below.   

  • Logo Image - The optimum image dimensions and size are displayed. The smaller the image, the faster it will display on the mobile app and provide a better user experience. Large images can slow the app load time, depending on the member's internet connection. 


The Top Container tab includes the settings in the top half of the app's Home Page.    



There are three separate header sections. As you can see in the image, the first header section controls the top text. The first two sections are primarily used to inform members of their number of points, point tier, or membership class. The dynamic tokens make it easy to control these settings.    



The third header is primarily used as a button feature to Check-In with visit-based programs, upload receipts with API POS-integrated programs, or view offers while running a standard program.   


You can also upload a background image if you'd like to use a different image in the top container versus the bottom half. 



The bottom container is where the menu settings are displayed. You can choose to use a grid layout or a list-type layout. 



You can choose the menu links for each link you want to display, as shown below.  


You can choose to display a bottom image and color over the bottom half of the design. Depending on the image at the top, you can fade the color of the bottom half if desired. You can also customize the icon color, enter the icon color, and the icon's background. The settings provide ample room for creativity in the design process. 



The callout settings are a great way to promote the program, event, or promotion. The callout text can be scrolled by toggling the marquee or fixed position. You can choose the text, link type, and where the link path. If referring friends, when the member clicks the ribbon, a custom refer-a-friend link is copied to their clipboard that they can share with others.   



The Point Display Settings are an option to display all point accumulation. You can choose which point amounts you’d like to show. For example, you can display how many points are available, how many were earned this month, the total redeemed, and the lifetime earned. You can display the selected options in the middle or at the top of the Home page.  



Menu Names

The Menu Names tab options may require modifications if the Menu Names tab options are "On" (Home Page -> Header & Footer -> Display Header). You can choose whether to display menu items or not. You can also display custom URLs to display pages from a website, such as online booking. 



Child Pages

The Child Pages tab holds the settings for the mobile application's internal pages, excluding the home page. You can choose to display a header banner image or not, as well as a footer menu. 


You can create a global slider banner, choose the opacity (transparency), and make it clickable if you would like to direct members to another page. 


If you want multiple banner promotions to rotate, you can add more than one by pressing the Add button.      



You can toggle the setting to display any of the following menu pages. 


If you want to use the global banner settings created in the previous step, you can toggle “Same as Global Banner Settings.” If you would like the page to show no banner, toggle Off “Allow Child Banner.”  

Alternatively, you can create a custom banner for the given page by toggling “Same as Global Banner Setting” Off and clicking the “+ Add” button to upload or choose a custom banner.  


Some pages allow custom color settings that override the theme settings. To access these settings, toggle the “Edit Color Settings” On.  


The “Ways To Earn” page allows custom text. To edit the text, choose the section by clicking the tab and toggling on “Visible on Ways to Earn Page.” Next, customize the text.  


Account Deletion Text

The App Stores require the Account Deletion tab. If you would like to edit the default text, do so here.    


Store URLs

The Store URLs tab displays the fields where the QR Code redirects. Once the apps are live in the app stores, we fill these fields for you.    


If you have any questions, please create a ticket, and one of our support reps will contact you shortly. Thank you.


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