In this article, we will discuss Survey Results and Survey Replies. To view the survey results, go to the Surveys tab > Manage Surveys subtab.
Manage Survey Grid
On the Manage Surveys page, you will notice the total number of surveys taken and any negative survey scores. By clicking on the magnifying glass, you will be able to view a beautifully colored page that shows how well your surveys are performing.
Survey Results
At the very top left, there's a filter that allows you to filter by different types of survey responses and given date ranges.
To export the survey, you can click on the "Export Survey" option. Additionally, you can use the "Browse Response One-by-One" button to view individual survey responses. Within the categories section, you can see the overall averages of the surveys, as well as the averages for this year, last month, and this week. You can also see the scores broken down by categories, such as experience, food, server, service, and value. It's important to note that these categories can be customized according to your preferences in the survey.
Regarding color coordination, for any survey that has a score of 4.0 to 5.0, the survey color will be green. From 2.0 to 3.9, the color will be yellow; for a survey, 1 to 2, it will be red.
On the left-hand side, you will find the details of the member who completed the survey. You can click on the member's name to access their profile within the back office. You have the option to respond to any survey, or you can choose to respond only to negative surveys, which are highlighted in red boxes.
You can click on the employee's name drop-down to see more details. If an employee triggered this survey, their name would appear here. If the survey was broadcasted by internal staff to every member or a specific group, the employee's name would be empty. You can see details of the questions, including negative feedback, positive feedback, and suggestions. In this particular case, no answers were provided.
In this scenario, we have the option to select a pre-existing campaign to address a survey. Utilizing a negative survey template could be beneficial if the system sends out numerous surveys and receives a high volume of negative feedback. If this isn't the case, then creating a new campaign from the beginning is an option. This action will direct us to the campaign creation page.
Send Broadcast
In this example, we will name it negative feedback, choose to respond via email, and proceed to the email page. We won't use an HTML form, as it looks more natural.
Once the text block has been added, you can edit the text as you wish.
- Email Subject - The subject line of the email. For most email clients, they will see the subject line before they see the content of the email. You can include custom fields in the subject line by clicking on the ‘Insert Custom Fields link below the editor and copy/pasting them into the subject text box.
When finished, go to the Miscellaneous Options, and on this page, everything here can stay as is, and press save.
- Default Template - If checked, this campaign will replace the current default template when creating a campaign. This will apply to all campaign types.
- System Users Can Edit - If checked, any user below your user role can edit. If unchecked, it cannot be edited by a user role below you.
- System Users Can Delete - If checked, any user below your user role can delete. If unchecked, it cannot be deleted by a user role below you.
- Activate broadcast - Should this broadcast be marked as active? Inactive broadcast cannot be used to create email campaigns or autoresponders.
- Public - The public settings make the survey visible to all location system users in the program.
- Location Private - Location private makes the survey visible to all locations selected.
- Business Private - Enabling Business Private hides the surveys and statistics from users with lower permissions. The setting is used with businesses that privatize content from locations.
Send Broadcast
This takes us to this page, allowing us to send the campaign, and we can click schedule my broadcast.
- Send an Email/SMS Broadcast - Which Email/SMS Broadcast would you like to send to your Members?
- Send Your Campaign Now? - Do you want to send this campaign immediately? If not, untick this box and you can choose a specific date and time at which to send the campaign. If locations are in multiple time zones, the primary location Time zone is used for scheduling.
- Notify Owner About Sending? - Notify the list owner(s) when a scheduled send starts and when it finishes?
- Repeat Broadcast
- Amount of Weeks - Repeat the broadcast every selected number of weeks on a specific day/time of the week.
- Date Range - Repeat the broadcast during a 7- day date range on a specific day/time of the month. A great solution for sending offers during the middle of the month.
- Day of Month - Repeat the broadcast on a specific day/time of the month.
If we go back to this managed survey page, this will change the negative response to zero.
To view survey replies, we can go to the survey replies page and view all survey responses sent.
If you have any questions, please create a ticket, and one of our support reps will contact you shortly. Thank you.