White Label Retail Support

Member & Transaction Imports


The Log Import History can be found by going to the Logs tab > Member Imports or Transaction Imports sub-tab

Both Member Imports and Transaction Imports follow the same page format. The pages are primarily used to verify imports and determine why contacts or transactions have failed to import. 




Member Import Logs Grid

In this example, we'll look at the highlighted import file. We can see here there is one successful import and one failed import. When clicking on the name tab hyperlink, we see the details of the import. 





Import Stats

You may filter bad import reasons using the dropdown filter. The transaction imports tab works, similarly, listing why a transaction failed to import. The purpose of this feature is to filter by the reason an import failed, export the file, make the correction, and then re-import the file. The transaction imports have a similar workflow.  



If you have any questions, please create a ticket, and one of our support reps will contact you shortly. Thank you. 


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