Tablet App Settings
To manage the Tablet settings, go to Tools and Settings icon > Apps tab > Tablet App Settings subtab.
Manage Tablet Settings
Basic Setup
You can manage the basic functionalities of the Tablet application and control how members interact with it through the tablet settings. If running a Check-In Visit program, there are Check-In Settings on the left-hand side that must be confirmed. In this example, the tablet is configured to record check-ins. It is locked to prevent customers from accessing any other app. The tablet is set up to display in Landscape view, and after checking in, it will not display locked or expired offers to members. You can display expired offers and locked reward goals to members by toggling these settings on. The Confirmation Required setting checks if a member's email or SMS is confirmed when checking in, which is used for marketing purposes and allows the member to update their settings if unconfirmed. If using Gamification or Instant Win features, you must enable the setting On with the dropdown.
- Screen Display - If Yes, you have to set up a related screen otherwise leave as it is.
- Locked Tablet - If the tablet is locked (YES) the Tablet removes navigation options and is unable to reach the home screen without first entering a username and password to unlock the Tablet. We highly recommend keeping this feature turned on (YES) to prevent members from surfing the Tablet.
- Landscape Mode - Choose this setting if using the tablet in Landscape mode.
- Portrait Mode - Choose this setting if using the tablet in Portrait mode.
- Confirmation Required - If “Yes” is selected, an Email or Mobile must be confirmed to participate. A popup message will display a resend confirmation button to confirm email or mobile number. If “Yes, Overwrite Allowed” is selected the Members or staff has ability to resend confirmation but post the transaction without member being confirmed. If “No” is selected, confirmation is not required.
When running a Spending Program, Post-Transactions Settings must be configured. The Lock Tablet and Confirmation Required settings were just explained, but unlike the Check-In program, the Display Back Button setting is available when Posting Transactions. If this feature is toggled On, it allows an employee or staff to log out of a location and into a new location when posting transactions versus locking transaction posting to one location. In most cases, this setting is toggled Off.
The Branding and Theme Settings should already be configured but you may modify them by clicking either tab.
- Logo Image - The optimum image size is displayed, but any size will work and format accordingly.
- Select Template - Select a pre-created template as a starting point. All Theme Color & Style Settings can be overwritten.
- Select Profile Template - Select a pre-created template as a starting Point. All images can be overwritten.
Check-In Screen
Splash Page
When using a Check-In Visit program, the next step to configure is the Check-In Screen. This section shows the entire user experience that the customer has with the tablet after they have entered their phone number. One of the first options is to display a splash page. This page can advertise the business or program before the member is allowed to check-in. You can choose to display header text or turn the toggle Off.
You can also change the splash image and page colors.
When finished, make certain to preview the page.
Check-In or Sign-Up Page
The next subtab is the Check-In or Sign-Up Page. In the Display Settings, you can turn On and Off the Left and Right Blocks and configure your message.
Join Profile
Next is the Join Profile subtab. By default, the complete profile settings are turned Off. We do not require customers to complete their profiles on the tablet at the point of entry, but you can require this if you choose to. By turning this On, you'll see these additional features.
- Data Collected Completes Profile - Toggle this option if the data collected on the Complete Profile Form tab constitutes a completed profile. If considered complete. Member bonus points will be issued if set-up in the program settings.
- Data Collected Joins Program - Toggle this option if the data collected Joins the program. To receive completed profile bonus points, the member must complete their profile in their online member account or the mobile app.
- Mobile & Email Collected - Toggle this option if the member’s mobile and email Join the program. To receive completed profile bonus
Under the Join Now Settings subtab, we will determine where we put this customer when they join choose the sign-up location they are affiliated with.
- Override Default List - To override the default list chosen in the previous step for a given location, choose the location below and select the member list on the right.
- Select Member List - Choose the member list you’d like to add a member to who joins at the locations selected on the left.
- Choose Home Location - Choose to tag the member’s Home location with the default member list location or use the Sign-Up location.
On the Complete Profile Form subtab, choose the data you’d like to collect and determine if the field is Required on Sign-Up or can be collected after Sign-Up. If required after Sign-Up, the member can join the program but does not receive bonus points for joining until they complete the fields in their online account or in the business mobile app.
The Color & Image Settings subtab controls the color settings on the Join Now page. Under Preview subtab, you can view the Join Now page the member accesses after entering their phone number.
Point Goal & Offers
Once the design is finished, advance to the Point Goals & Offers subtab. Under the Display Settings subtab, choose to display offers if available. If selected, whenever offers are available, and permission is granted when creating the offer, the offer will be displayed to the member if available in their account. If the option to display a Point Goal Reached message, offers will not display Offer screen timer; when it times out, it will go back to the standard opt-in page.
Popup Message
The last step, found under the Pop-Up Message subtab, is approving the text displayed to the member. The first subtab in this section is titled TOS. Choose to require your Terms of Service to be required to participate and agreed to when joining the program. You can also customize the message text.
The next subtab is titled Success & Error. Under this subtab customize the messages displayed when a successful action takes place, or an error occurs.
The SMS & Email subtab contains the pop-up messages displayed when a member performs SMS and Email actions on the tablet.
The Point Goals & Offers subtab contains the pop-up messages displayed when a member redeems an offer or reward goal.
We also have success and error messages that can be adjusted, SMS and emails. Once you've adapted all of these to your preferences, hit save.
If you have any questions, please create a ticket, and one of our support reps will contact you shortly. Thank you.